
Thailand Real Estate: How to Make Money from Holiday Rentals

Thailand real estate

Thailand is among the most frequented countries in the world because it is rich in culture, has diverse tourist attractions, and has a weather that is most suitable for vacations. Whether you love to shop, are a party animal, a beach fanatic, or a sports lover, there is a piece of Thailand for you to love. Businessmen also find a lot of things to invest on in this country and if you are looking for a new venture to place your hard earned money on, it is Thailand real estate.

Koh Samui, being one of the country’s well loved tourist spots, is something to keep an eye on if you want to make it big in Thailand real estate. Because it attracts millions of visitors annually, now more than ever, having a Koh Samui property will be advantageous. Among the many ways you can earn money is to venture in holiday rentals. Koh Samui is famous for its indulgent lifestyle. The beaches, the beautiful panoramas, the fine dining restaurants, and 5 star spas, are all calling out to holiday goers to luxuriate in the finest island lifestyle, even for a short time. People who want to have the ultimate Samui holiday know that there are experiences you can’t put a price to and these include quality services and the feel of staying at a luxury property for a tropical break.

Thailand property

The bulk of the real estate in Thailand, particularly in Koh Samui, is holiday rentals. If you are pretty determined to invest in this area of real estate, here are some tips to get you started.

Choose a popular location.

If you don’t have a property on the island yet and you are on the stage of thinking of buying one, you have to be wise about the location. This is important as travelers are drawn to popular places and will most likely pick a property for rent at a mainstream location, unless the guests specifically prefer something more secluded and off beat. Bo Phut is good choice for this as it is on the more developed part of the island and already has plenty of tourist magnets like restaurants and bars. The fact that it is a home to the Fisherman’s Village means that there is a constant traffic of visitors on the area. If you have a property here, it will be booked without much waiting.

Buy Property in Thailand

If your budget allows it, buy a place with stunning views.

Tourists on vacation are very easy to please and one way to do this is to offer them great scenery. No person can resist the allure of great vistas. This is important as it could be the selling point of your property.

Make sure everything is working.

For those who are considering buying a pre-owned property that is already furnished, make sure you conduct a thorough inspection. Check EVERYTHING. Are the faucets leaking? Are the beds still okay or do they have to be replaced? Is the paint job okay? Are all the furnishings in top shape? A maintenance check is necessary as people who are on vacation don’t want to be bothered with anything. Make sure that every bit of the place is excellent before having it for rent.

real estate in thailand

Think of how you are going to market your place.

Thailand real estate is diverse and the great thing about it is that, there is something for everyone. The key to being successful when it comes to holiday rentals is to be decided on your target market and work to make the property a perfect match for that market. Decide on this early on. Will it be an affordable, budget friendly holiday rental? Will it be mid-priced? Will it be luxury? The tip is to target the extreme sides of the market. If you want it luxurious—-go all out. If you want it budget friendly, make sure that your rates are more appealing than mid-priced properties. It is usually the mid-priced portion that is hard to target as the competition is tough.

Take really good photos.

Among the easiest means to advertise your property is to set up a website and for that you need pictures. However, it can’t just be any shabby photo taken from your mobile phone. You have to invest in professionally done photos. Sometimes, the right angle and a good lighting can make a difference in being always in-demand and being ignored. The better are your photos, the more bookings will come.

Highlight the good points.

However, don’t lie about the features of your property either. List down everything good about the property and use them as a way to lure your prospective tenants. If it is a beachfront property, be sure to include lots of photos of the beach and be sure to mention it.

Investing in Thailand real estate is recommended for those who have a budget and the desire to try something new. If you feel like this is something that you’d like to do, talk to a real estate agent and get started.

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